Consecration of the Family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

On a moonlit night, October 2017, Father Robert Barcelos, OCD consecrated  Mount St. Josephs Monastery (San Jose, CA) and the families of those attending a special 100th Fatima Anniversary event, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Father Robert reiterated that no matter how difficult or impossible our situations can seem, in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the victory has already been  won. We need to claim that truth for our lives.

This is the prayer that the congregation prayed. Feel free to print out the prayer and the image, and sign as your covenant with God. May it bring blessings to your own families.

O’ Sacred Heart of Jesus, source of all consolations. Redeemer of the human race! Look mercifully upon us, kneeling before you, with the desire of entrusting ourselves to Your Most Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of Your mother. We wish to be entirely Yours, and therefore, we humbly ask You to accept this offering as a token of our gratitude and love. On this day, we solemnly consecrate our family and home to Your Most Sacred Heart! You, the Creator of heaven and earth, desired to become the Son of Mary, Mother of the entire human race. On this day, we thank You in a special way for this precious gift of Your Mother, and following Your example, we too wish to offer ourselves entirely to her as her true children. May this consecration to the Heart of Your Immaculate Mother, strongly unite and bind us to Your Most Sacred Heart.

O Immaculate Virgin Mary, living tabernacle of the Most Holy Trinity! Once as the son of Elizabeth leaped with joy at the sound of your voice, we too leap with joy in your presence, because you brought Christ to us! As you filled the home of Elizabeth with the Divine grace of your Son, we beg you to fill our hearts and home with the Spirit of God’s love and grace!

We Your children, kneeling at your feet, solemnly consecrate to your Most Immaculate Heart our beloved family and home. To you we give our past, present, and future; to your care we entrust all that we are and all that we have. You know all our sufferingws and hopes; in your Motherly Heart you feel all the struggles and challenges we face between good and evil; between light and darkness. Accept the plea which we make directly to your heart, and with your maternal love embrace this family, which we entrust to you with affectionate love. Be our teacher and our guide in following the path of your Divine Son. May your presence refresh and nourish our faith and open the gates of grace to produce fruits of the Holy Spirit in us.

O’ Compassionate Mother, wash us with the blood of your Son; for the sake of His Sorrowful Passion, save us from evil inclinations, clothe us with His Glory, and adorn us with your virtues. Offer us to the Most Sacred Heart as a living and loving sacrifice, that we may live only for the Glory of God. May your smile dispel the darkness from our midst; may your touch bring healing to our souls and bodies, and may your love enkindle in our hearts the fire of Divine Love, that we may spread this flame wherever we go.

In confidence we gaze upon your face, O’ Amiable Mother, because you are the smile of God, the reflection of the light of Christ, the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, and the Mother of the afflicted. Our life! Our sweetness! and our hope! Pray unceasingly for us your children, that one day, uniting our voices to yours, with angels and saints, we too may sing an eternal hymn of praise to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen!


On this ______ day of _______ in the Year of Our Lord _______

Reminder: Light your candle for All Souls Day

One thought on “Consecration of the Family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary”

  1. Amen. Thank you,Teresa Linda for this beautiful prayer for our families on All Souls Day. God Bless you, Kathleen

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