Brothers clothed on the Vigil of the Solemnity of St. Joseph

On March 18, 2017 the Carmelite community of Mount St. Joseph in San Jose, CA clothed four postulants with the Carmelite habit. These novices now have begun their year-long novitiate as new Carmelite brothers in the Province.
In the picture above from left to right: Bro. Colin Livingston, Bro. Matthew Knight, Bro. Frank Sharma and Bro. Dustin Vu.
We ask you to keep all these men in your prayers, as well as our other friars in formation.
Saint Joseph and Saint Teresa of Avila

Known in Avila as “El Convento de las Madres,” this convent is particularly important because it was the first foundation of Santa Teresa in spreading the reform of the Carmelite Order. It dates from August 24, 1562, Saint Bartholomew’s Feast Day and was dedicated to Saint Joseph, to whom Santa Teresa was particularly devoted. On the façade is the image of Saint Joseph with Baby Jesus by Giraldo Merlo, a gift from Felipe III.
The current church is the work of Francisco Mora, who built it between 1607-1610 at his own expense, as an expression of thanks and favours received through the mediation of Saint Teresa. It rises above the humble houses that formed that first convent, built on land first acquired by her sister Juana and assisted by her brother Lorenzo.
The convent is still occupied by cloistered nuns who follow the rules of Our Holy Mother. (Source: Avila Tourist Information, August 2015)
SAVE THE DATE: Sunday May 21, 2017.
57th Annual Benefit Dinner and Auction. Discalced Carmelite Friars, Mount St. Joseph Monastery. For more information, contact